The new Peel Jobs and Skills Centre has been operating since August 2018 but was officially launched by Education and Training Minister, Sue Ellery, on 10 October 2018.
Bridging the Gap will have staff located at the South Metropolitan TAFE Monday to Friday and will be providing assistance to a range of residents in the area including students, jobseekers and career changers looking to improve their skills and job prospects.
Some of the services our staff provide:
- one-on-one career guidance;
- information on training courses and apprenticeships;
- workshops that improve your skills and assist you in looking for work;
- referrals to training providers and other services;
- access to online career development resources and tools; and
- free computer access for job search activities.
BTG has had some impressive results so far with assisting 267 clients and running a number of workshops at both TAFE and local schools.
Our helpful staff can provide professional and practical advice on training information, employment opportunities and career advice all for a very reasonable price of FREE!!