Parents, Learning, Advancing, Nurturing

Our PLAN project is customised to help parents

Our special parenting program

Are you a parent experiencing accommodation issues, mental health, family or domestic violence or unemployment?

We can help. We have designed a customised program especially to help parents living in the Peel and South Metro Region.

Through one to one and group activities, we will help you with:

  • Self-development – how to improve your self-esteem, confidence, motivation and coping skills.
  • Health and wellbeing – how to create a healthy lifestyle, help dealing with addictions and mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and stress.
  • Career development – further education and training, computer skills, becoming work ready, finding a career path, effective job search strategies and assistance with finding work experience or employment when you are ready.

This is your program and your needs will determine your Personal Life Plan. We can also refer you to counselling, parenting courses, financial support services and much more. We are here to help you and support you to achieve your goals.

Our trained mentors will work alongside you and be with you every step of the way. We can also help with transport to and from the venue.

Our commitment to you:

  • Our mentor will provide weekly one to one mentorship/support meetings to help you with your individual needs.
  • We will provide weekly group activities like self-esteem and confidence building, budgeting skills,  meditation, first aid training and lots more.
  • We will help you design a plan so you have a roadmap for achieving your goals relating to self-development, health and wellbeing, and your career.
  • When you are ready, we will help you find work experience, a course to study or employment.
Young woman smiling as she is sitting with another woman

Call us on 08 9419 2553 or email to find out how we can work together to achieve your goals.