
Giving you the confidence to go back to work

Preparing parents for employment

Have you had a break from paid work while you’ve been raising young children? Do you feel like you’ve lost work-specific skills and the confidence to go back to work?

You’re not alone!

At Bridging the Gap, we provide parent and child friendly environments where we will work with you to achieve your parenting, work or study goals.

What we do

ParentsNext is a free government program to help parents get ready for work by the time their child turns six.

At Bridging the Gap we will meet with you to discuss your strengths, career interests, skills level and needs. We will then:

  • help you identify your education and employment goals
  • create a plan to achieve those goals
  • provide mentoring
  • help you as a parent to gain confidence and feel empowered
  • refer you to local activities and service providers who can help you achieve your goals
  • assist you to gain new skills 
  • post-placement (education or employment)
  • wage subsidies and relocation assistance to take up a job
  • extensive referrals to complementary and supportive services.


You are eligible if you:

  • have been continuously receiving Parenting Payment for at least six months
  • have no reported earnings from employment in this six month period.


And one of the following:

  • an Early School Leaver with a youngest child at least six months of age
  • assessed as being highly disadvantaged with a youngest child at least six months of age
  • have a youngest child at least five years of age.


Parents will be eligible to participate as a volunteer if they are in receipt of Parenting Payment, have a child under 6 years and live in a Workforce Australia Employment Region.

Our Service Delivery Plan is available for you to view. 

Call us today on 9419 2553 or email to find out how we can help you get back to work with confidence.

How to find us


0429 541 172
Level 1, 11 Wentworth Parade
Success WA 6164


0429 621 141
U6/49 Church Avenue,
Armadale WA 6112


0448 261 251
6/15 Pattie Street
Cannington WA 6107


0429 538 077
27 Westerly Way
Cooloongup WA 6168


Suite 4A, 275 Marmion St
Melville  WA 6156